Alpha Rho Chapter
Alpha Rho Officers

Elana Dillingham
President- Ma'Kyah Goodlow
Vice President- Maya Brunt
Secretary- Lynn Duncan
Assistant Secretary- LaKeisha Franks
Financial Secretary- Tamarious Thomas
Assistant Financial Secretary- Taylor Tucker
Treasurer- Reagan Myers
Parliamentarian- Tamil Clark
Keeper of the Door- Lariya Bing
Corresponding Secretary- Madison Powell
Official Hostess- Kaitlyn Peterson
Chaplin- Shameka Mack
Ivy Leaf Reporter- Kasey Brown
MIP Chair- Cydni Adams
MIP Co-Chair- Colby Britton
Historian/Archives Chair- Lynn Duncan
Scrapbook Chair- Lynn Duncan
Technology Chair- Cydni Adams
Miss AKA- McKenzie Allmond

Message from the President

I bring you greetings on behalf of the “Always Pretty” ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. the Alpha Rho Chapter. With over sixty-five years of service at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and community, we are honored and excited to continue the legacy of fulfilling a vision fair.
The ladies of the Alpha Rho Chapter continue to “Exemplify Excellence Through Sustainable Service” and share a common goal of fostering our sisterly relationship in order to enhance the quality of life. This website provides an opportunity to see the essence of who we are – dedicated women committed to community service, leadership, education, sisterly fellowship and UAPB!
Within this website you will find information regarding our mission, history, programs, and a calendar of events. I am sure you will find the information both interesting and inspiring. I hope you will enjoy your visit and check with us regularly to keep up with our activities. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further information about any of our programs.